“Mankind”, TIE 3 production, directed by Edsel Samson.
“L’Histoire du Soldat” by Igor Stravinsky, SKON producer, by Albert Heijdens
“Toris” De Nieuwe Amsterdamse, directed by Ruffus Collins.
“Let’s dance”, production of the Independent Theater, Directed by Els de Jager and Ton Lutgerink
“Don Quixote”, produced by De Stlte – Max Tak Orkest, Directed by Jack Timmermans
“Havik”, Regal Frans Weiss
“Xime”, regal Sana N’ Hada
”Mikosh”, directed by Danniél Danniél
“The journey”, royal Nora Esperanza
“The miracle of Máxima”, regia Paul Ruven
“Cowboy and Iran”
“The crown”
“24/7 Trauma”
“Bobby, Ernst and Rest”
“Road to tomorrow”
“Good and bad times”
“Keyzer and de Boer Advocates”.